Data-Driven Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Make Modern Marketing Work for Your Game

Written by Game Marketing Genie | 01-Jul-2020 23:56:26

The video gaming industry is ever-evolving. From the handheld Nintendo Game and Watch in the 1980s to the VR gaming of today, we have made quite a leap in technology. Naturally, everything associated with gaming is also evolving. You can't keep on using those tried-and-tested marketing strategies - they won't work anymore. Instead, you have to think out-of-the-box, capitalize on consumer trends, and come up with the most effective campaigns. Game marketing has evolved, and you need to adopt new ideas and techniques.

You need to update yourself with the latest in game marketing for more success and conversions. But what should you be looking at? Let’s get into some of the best some of the strategies that’ll work best for you now and in future.

1. Mobile is the future

The majority of the world has gone mobile, including gamers. According to data from Dot Com Infoway, mobile gaming now makes up 51% of worldwide gaming revenue, whereas console accounts for just 25% and PC has a share of 24%. Unless your marketing has a focus on mobile, the reach of your game will be limited. You can use a number of ways to target gamers on their smartphones, the most common being mobile ads. Gamers are more receptive to ads, and also click on them more than regular users - particularly if that ad is for a mobile game. Consider working with a popular game to feature your ads in their gaming ad space.

Popular ad formats:

Expandable ads: Appeal to gamer's interests using rich media elements. These ads work best to reveal information about your game.

Static ads: The ads in formats of static images can be used in games. For example, your static image ad is displayed after a level is completed.

Video ads: Feature video advertisements on games and app stores. We will go into the details of video marketing in the following section.

In-game ads: You can present ads directly inside games. A common and easy to make format is banner ads. 


  • Try to align your ads with games in your niche.
  • Develop content and visuals fit for mobile screens.
  • Advertise on app stores for more exposure.
  • Mobile social media ads work well too.

2. Video has always been king

Videos have always been a marketer's best weapon to generate leads. Humans are a sucker for visuals, and videos are perhaps the most effective way to gain exposure and make your brand memorable.

Keep videos short and informative

Smaller videos are great to attract gamers. Share key experiences of playing your game, give walkthroughs, and use good screenshots within your videos.. 

Choose suitable platforms

Twitch, YouTube, Mixer: these are some of the platforms you definitely want to target. Also, consider sharing your videos and ads on social media platforms. You can even embed videos on your game page or website. 

Also try focusing your ads on mobile platforms for all reasons we discussed in the section above. Exchange Wire states that 43% of mobile gamers are more likely to purchase games from brands that make nice ads. So, video is the most effective hook you can use to grab some quick market share. 

Find out more about making it on YouTube in our blog Your Complete Guide to Using YouTube Marketing For Your Game.

Collaborate with streamers 

You can collaborate with popular gamers and streamers to expand your reach. This will give your game a ready base of target players with high potential for conversion.

After all, we believe that influencers are one of the most powerful tools a marketer can use. Check out our blog How to Pick the Best Game Influencer Marketing Strategy for Your Studio for more information on making the most of your opportunities.

Make multiple videos

Gaming videos are not very tough or expensive to create. You’ve already made the game, so grab a few exciting sections of gameplay and some beautiful screenshots from it! Using a variation of videos will appeal more to gamers and make you stand out.

Video ads

You can invest in video ads for YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms. A good way to make the most of this is to include your ad before gaming videos (including gaming playthroughs, trailers, walkthroughs, reviews and more). 

Still not convinced? Take a look at the stats below to understand why video rules!

Figure 1. Video marketing stats. Source: Grey Sky Films.

3. Consider playable ads

Playable ads are the next big thing in game advertising. The ads give the user an experience of playing your game, and can be make or break depending on how engaging it is. The ads shouldn’t be any longer than 45 seconds, and create an interactive experience that shows key elements of your game and creates a need to download.  The ad can end with a CTA to install and try out your game.

A great example of playable ads used effectively is in the case of Narcos: Cartel Wars. Based on the famous TV series Narcos, the ad instantly attracts attention in the opening scene. Right after, users are transformed into the game where they can take part in the action. You can aim, shoot towers, deploy your force, and more. The ad ends by offering rewards to players, which they can use in the game. The rewarding system creates a higher impact and encourages viewers to install the game. 


  • Stay focused and bring out the best features in your game.
  • Make the playable ad engaging and interactive. Include a level or part of your game that is the most exciting in the whole level.
  • Your gamification should be a bit challenging to play.
  • Consider giving rewards like coins to use in your game to encourage downloads.
  • Do not create playable ads that don’t look or play the way that your game does - being misleading is a major turn off for players.

Find out more about this topic in our blog Why are Playable Ads a Great Way to Pitch Your Mobile Game?

4. Women are a big part of gaming

Gaming is still portrayed as a male-dominated world. But stats show almost the same number of women play games as men. In fact, Newzoo shows that women now make up 46% of the global gaming population. That means leaving them out from your target audience is a crucial mistake. You need to develop your marketing strategies in a way to attract female gamers too, as you’ll be missing out on a major chunk of your target audience if you don’t. But in many cases, men and women don't find the same things appealing. So, you will need to adapt and refine campaigns to grab attention of female gamers. 


Many female gamers play on mobile. That again tells you the need to focus on mobile marketing. Next in line is PC, while consoles seem to be women's least favorite. Target the right platforms to attract female gamers. 

Finding female gamers

Female gamers tend to find games to play in different ways. While men look for reviews, women seek suggestions from friends and family. Consider which channels you want to market on to reach as much of your target audience as possible.

Collaborate with popular female gamers

Streamers are amazingly popular in the gaming world, for both men and women. You just read how women turn to personal recommendations in the case of games. Working with popular female streamers can make your game reach the right people. 

Even non-gaming brands can collaborate with female influencers to sell fashion, beauty, and household products. They are also great for social causes like the LGBTQIA community.

Find out more about avoiding stereotypes in our blog The Dos and Don'ts of Marketing to Gamers.

But remember that these tips are still just generalizations, and that you’ll need to conduct insightful research to help you reach out to as much as your target audience as possible. Why? Because everyone is different, and you cannot single down demographics into stereotypes or trends. Which leads us to our next point...

5. Gaming is for everyone

Gaming has grown into a major player in the field of entertainment. Over the years, the gaming community has become more inclusive and diverse. Now, gamers are not just teenagers with ample time on their hands. Video games have expanded from being a thing for “nerds” to include anyone at any stage of their life. Even older adults try out games nowadays to keep their minds sharp and focused. Going inclusive is the way forward if you want your game to be enjoyed by a large number of people. 

Fortnite is a good example of a game that has connected with a diverse range of people across the world. The game is family-friendly and free of blood, and players only eliminate other players. This makes it okay for moms when kids play the game. Fortnite also takes on the differences of race and gender. Players are given random characters with varying genders and skin tones. The game even used female characters in the ads to appeal to the women gaming population. Moreover, the developers refrain from sexualizing the female characters in the ads. Other games have also taken cue and are doing their bit to make games inclusive, like Overwatch and The Sims 4.


  • Research to find your target audience, including gender, age, and preferences.
  • Create campaigns that will take into account the whole spectrum of your target audience.
  • Use the right platforms to target the right people. Social media is not always the best platform for all games.
  • Encourage a healthy and diverse community around your game. Invite people from all walks of life.

Want to learn more about digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a vast industry, and you need a strong understanding to master it. That's why we've compiled all of our best resources to create the ultimate guide to digital marketing. Check it out here: Everything You Need to Know About Video Game Digital Marketing.

Gaming companies and producers may find it a bit challenging to connect with the right players. Adapting to the changing trends is also not easy. You need professional guidance to help your game reach the maximum number of people through the right channels. Game Marketing Genie, with its team of adept game marketing experts, is the partner you need to climb the ladders of success. 

We create sound game marketing strategies capitalizing on the latest trends to give the right exposure to your game. We can help your game reach the right people for more chances of conversions.

Need more info? Let's chat today about how we can make the most of your marketing opportunities.