The Art of a Video Landing Page for Game Marketing
by Game Marketing Genie, on 04-Oct-2022 10:59:44
Imagine a scenario where every potential player who clicks on your online ad becomes a lead.
And then every lead converts into a paying customer.
The truth is that less than 3 out of every 100 people who click on an ad will convert into paying customers.
But this doesn't have to be the case. You can increase your conversion rate. How? With video landing pages for game marketing.
According to HubSpot's research, the number of landing pages on a website increases its lead generation and conversion power. Companies with 30 or more landing pages get seven times the number of leads as those with less than 10.
This statistic has a clear takeaway. The more your number of landing pages, the better. With various landing pages, you can classify your traffic sources and tailor unique landing pages to different portions of your gaming audience. Plus, it will increase the number of people who land on your page.
Figure 1: Relationship between landing pages and leads for companies. Source: HubSpot
Is your video landing page producing the desired results?
Does it persuade visitors to consume the content, take note of your call to action, and do exactly what you ask? Keep reading to learn how exactly a video landing page helps your game and how to make one that your players would respond to.
What is the purpose of a landing page?
A strong landing page is the online equivalent of a no-nonsense sales representative. It's laser-focused and provides just the appropriate amount of essential information, so you willingly perform what the page requests.
A landing page is a single web page on which potential buyers can "land" after clicking through from an email, ad, or other digital location.
Landing pages differ from other web pages because they are not part of a website's evergreen navigation. They serve a specific purpose in an advertising campaign targeting a particular audience, particularly prospective gamers.
A landing page's goal is to collect information from a visitor in exchange for something valuable, such as a retail discount code or business-to-business (B2B) insights, in the form of a white paper. If you want to build an email list for your email marketing, landing pages can be effective collection points. And most importantly, with a strong, clear CTA, you can gently nudge your visitor into taking any specific step you want.
Let's look at two examples of landing pages of popular video games.
Titanfall 2
Figure 2: Screenshot of the landing page of the Titanfall 2 video game. Source:
Titanfall's landing page is a helpful static landing page. Right now, the call-to-action button (Learn More) on the landing page directs visitors to information about the most recent release. This strategy is to get people to go there instead of buying the game or watching a trailer.
Continue scrolling down to see a screen that appears more like the original landing page, complete with the game's name, a tagline, and two call-to-action buttons.
Overwatch 2
Figure 3: Screenshot of the landing page of Overwatch 2 video game. Source: Overwatch
The Overwatch landing page is an excellent example of a video landing page with a simple but effective layout. In the center of the page is a clear CTA to buy now, with the buy button a brighter color. The background is video gameplay that appears to be relatively smooth. To top it all off, they get some press with "Game of the Year — IGN" beneath the game's headline.
As you scroll down, the call-to-action buttons become more visible — View All News, Explore the Game, and Buy Now.
Why video for your landing page?
Because video is the currency of the internet, those who fail to embrace it risk being left behind, so adding video to landing pages can increase conversion by 86%. But that's not all it's capable of.
- 64% of buyers feel watching a video increases their likelihood of purchasing a product (source: Animoto)
- 54% of customers say they want to see brand videos, more than any other content format (source: HubSpot)
- Video marketing has increased brand recognition by 54%. (source: Opt In Monster)
Aside from the abundance of statistics available on the internet demonstrating that videos perform better than any other content format, we provide some functional and practical reasons to believe that video content, in particular, is the way forward for landing pages.
To simplify information
There's nothing more uninviting than a page cluttered with text. Also, more often than not, gamers are visual people who enjoy graphics and sounds. A video on your landing page is a fantastic way to communicate quickly and engage interestingly.
For better branding
With a video on a landing page, the visitor immediately understands the vibe of your game in seconds. Also, it helps them gauge whether they are interested in the game you are promoting and want to know further (thus, attracting only viable leads). Though this is vital, videos are more than just including your company's logo and brand colors. It allows you to incorporate your brand's voice and tone.
Increase accessibility and reusability
By creating videos that conform to the guidelines for accessibility, you can engage even those gamers who otherwise find other forms of content limiting. Also, by repurposing your videos onto social media, you can make the most out of your efforts in creating them.
How to create a good video landing page
Now that it is clear that landing pages can be the place to "land" games into a gamer's cart, here are some tips for creating a solid landing page geared to convert:
Create a powerful video
Creating a video landing page is more than just slapping a video onto an existing website. Any video you include must enrich the landing page.
Your video should directly appeal to your target gamer profile. Make sure you do not cut corners on the quality of your video, using hi-def elements and graphics, clear sound, and subtitles. Remember that the landing page video's initial three seconds are critical. You must immediately capture the audience's attention while showcasing the USP of your game. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all wisdom we can provide. Each game needs a custom approach to marketing to bring out the best.
A game trailer can also double up as a video for your landing page, although it is unnecessary. Here are some resources to create game trailers for your video game:
Keep your videos short and snappy
Generally, the best video landing pages limit the video length to no more than 2 minutes. You can experiment with different lengths to find your sweet spot, but remain clear and focused on your key message.
Show off some of the best parts of your game, but not all
You won't have many chances to persuade potential players of your game's excellence. The worst thing you can do is deliver a promotional video that doesn't match the quality of your game. When someone presses the Play button on your video, you better have something demonstrating how awesome and fun your video game is. Show enough, but don't reveal all of your cards. Keep your players interested in what they may expect from the entire game. To add impact, accompany it with appropriate music that follows the highs and lows of the game.
Don't make it autoplay
The last thing you want is to push your video without a user's consent, leading to increased bounces and back clicks. If autoplay is likely to annoy your target market, it's best to turn it off. However, keep the Play button in sight so they don't miss out on seeing your video!
If you believe your video is a must-see experience for your users, consider using a quiet full-screen video as your background instead. It will be a less intrusive experience for your users while reaping the benefits of autoplay.
Don't clutter your page
One page, one goal. That is the golden rule for a successful landing page. Anything that does not contribute to the action you want to elicit is a waste of time. Remove all non-headline text or opt-in content, animations, or distractions.
You've made a marketing video you want people to view; don't give them an excuse not to. Remove such distractions on your video to keep their attention where it belongs.
Have a powerful CTA
The call-to-action (CTA) is one aspect that increases conversion and is likely the most vital piece on your landing page. The CTA button should stand out in a different color from the other elements on the website. Use an action verb that states what you want visitors to do, such as "submit," "download," or "get it now." Include it at the end of your video and on the page itself.
Getting video marketing right
Video is an essential part of your content marketing strategy, and also the overall health of your game. But it isn't something you can do without a strategy. Luckily, we’ve got the top tips here: The #1 Video Marketing Handbook for Gaming Studios.
Create landing pages that "click" for your game
Every landing page represents a new opportunity, and there is no limit to the number of landing pages your website can have.
Want to create a video landing page that converts and takes your campaigns to the next level? At Game Marketing Genie, we understand how difficult it is to cultivate genuine relationships with gamers in the digital age. We provide the tools and assistance you need to make engaging, customized videos. For the best results, our team of graphic designers, website developers, and content authors can assist you in mastering your landing pages.
Make an impact with video and animation. Get in touch today.